a. Our number one goal is to help our student athletes become winners. We believe success is reflected in the player's hard work, honesty and effort to make themselves better. Even though we cannot always win, we can always be winners.


b. The club understands that children participate in soccer to have fun. If children don't have fun, they'll soon trade it in for something else.


c. We are not a 'win at all cost club'. Our priority is about developing the whole player; technically, tactically, physically, mentally and emotionally. We want to win the games we play, but it is more important that our players develop and improve their skills before they improve their team's record.


d. The club adheres to US Soccer's vision for player development. It states that players best develop when they have fun, play different positions, and play the game without pressure of results or from the sidelines. In addition, player development occurs when teams provide an equal opportunity for each player in a training environment with lots of touches on the ball, challenging age appropriate activities, and small sided games. 


e. The club wants players to learn life skills through the game. We encourage players to learn to work through difficult times on the pitch. Developing communication and teamwork allows players to solve problems together and with a positive attitude. This will aid them in becoming leaders in life.


f. The club is in a 'small market' so we must work to develop all players as we move from 6v6 to 8v8 and onto 11v11 play. However, we do so with 'big market' values such as: licensed coaches, quality facility, club trainer, and with experienced leaders on the Board of Directors.


g. The club expects players to support the US Soccer guideline that encourages players to play a fall and spring season each lasting 2-3 months, not all year.


h. The club believes that referees are not opponents and deserve respect from players, coaches and parents.