Springfield Thunder Soccer Club By-Laws 

Adopted 3/15/2011 

1. Mission The Springfield Thunder Soccer Club (STSC or Club) has been established as a youth soccer club and exists to provide youth players the opportunity to play soccer at more competitive levels. The By-Laws supporting this organization have been adopted to encourage the highest level of achievement for our youth and their teams. We will accomplish our goals by a focus on age appropriate player development and encompassing a spirit of fair play, ethical conduct and sportsmanship which has been determined by the majority to be in the best interest of each individual participant. The underlying principle is that it is for the youth of our community and is not influenced by personal goals of any coach, parent, player or team. Remember that soccer is a game. The program is useless if the players don’t have fun. 

2. Organization 

a. The General Membership of the Springfield Thunder Soccer Club shall be the parents or guardian of each player who has paid Club dues for the current year and is properly rostered for the current year on a Club member team and any properly carded coach of a club team. The number of Club member teams shall be discretionary, based upon an adequate pool of players, qualified coaches, and field availability. 

b. To implement, affect and revise as necessary the By-Laws which govern the organization, the General Membership of the Club shall elect a five member Board of Directors (the Board). For the election in 2011 2 members be elected for a one year term and 3 will be elected for a two year term in the first. In all board elections after 2011 each board member will be elected for two year terms. This will aide in continuity for the club. At the first board meeting following the board election the board members will choose among themselves the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The duties and responsibilities of the elected officers shall be those which are considered customary and reasonable and any other duties delegated to them by the By-Laws. An elected officer may not serve in more than one capacity. The President shall serve in an advisory capacity for one year following his/her term of office. The Board may also appoint non-voting members as needed to assist them. 

c. Springfield Thunder Soccer Club, its Board, member teams, coaches, players and parents shall follow the general rules and guidelines of FIFA Laws of the Game, US Youth Soccer, OSYSA and MVYSA (or any other league the Club may enter a team into) except where the rules contained within the STSC By-Laws are more restrictive. 

d. In the event that a board position is vacated between elections the remaining board members will have the power to appoint a person or persons to complete the vacated position. 

3. Admission The Board will develop new teams based on the number of players who tryout and qualified coaches that can be obtained. In addition the Board may admit a team by invitation or application to the Board. Written application must be submitted to the Board one season prior to the anticipated membership. A simple majority vote of the Board shall constitute acceptance. 

4. Voting Rights 

a. On issues presented to the general membership of the Springfield Thunder Soccer Club, one parent or guardian shall have one vote per player who has paid Club dues for the current year. A quorum shall consist of twenty voting members present, and a majority vote is required for the passage of any issue voted on. 

b. On all issues regarding administration of the STSC, each Board member is entitled to one vote. A quorum shall consist of three Board members. In the case of ties, the President shall be entitled to cast the tiebreaking vote. 

c. Should a voting member not be in good standing. i.e., be in violation of Miami Valley Youth Soccer Association or Ohio South Youth soccer Association rules, their right to vote shall be suspended until such time as they are returned to good standing. 

d. Ten day’s advance notice to all voters shall be required for all meetings of the General Membership or Board of Directors. Written notice is preferred, but telephone notice shall suffice. Notice given to a team’s representative or Head Coach shall constitute notice to the parents of that team for the purpose of the General Membership or the Board, however any three Board members shall also have the authority to schedule and convene such meetings. 

5. Rosters At the start of every season, each coach is responsible for turning in a team roster to the Club Treasurer. Whenever changes in rosters occur, each coach is responsible for submitting a league approved revised roster to the Club Treasurer. 

6. Licensing for Coaches 

a. It is imperative that the quality of coaching received by our players is the best possible. Therefore, the Club will encourage all coaches to obtain coaching licenses and other training that will benefit their work with the players. 

b. The Springfield Thunder Soccer Club, will pay the instructional fees for license classes pending prior approval from the Board of Directors, and based upon the availability of adequate funds. 

c. All assistant coaches will be encouraged to have a minimum of a "Youth Module II" or "F" license within one year of becoming an active coach in the Club. 

d. All U11 and U12 head coaches are strongly urged to earn an "E" license in the interest of providing high quality instruction and coaching to the players. 

e. All U13 and above head coaches are strongly urged to earn a "D" license in the interest of providing high quality instruction and coaching to the players. 

f. The Board reserves the right to require coaches to attend clinics the Board deems acceptable or as required by the league or National Trails Parks and Recreation District. 

7. Financial Policy 

a. The fiscal year of the Club begins on July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year. All records are kept by the Club Treasurer and are available for review. For financial purposes, the first playing season is the Fall Season. 

b. It shall be the responsibility of the President and Treasurer to present to the Club an annual operating budget no later than the General Meeting. 

c. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to provide an annual finance report at the yearly General Meeting. Copies will be distributed to all Springfield Thunder Soccer Club members at the yearly General Meeting. 

d. Player fees will be established by the Board for two seasons (Fall and Spring), or for a single season team (Fall or Spring). The fees are to be paid on or before August 1 of each year, and the fee for the single season team is to be paid on or before August 1 for the fall season, or March 1 for the Spring season. 

e. Payment is to be submitted to the Club by the team coach or team representative along with a roster. It is the obligation of the coach to collect the individual payments from the players. For 

any additions or deletions of players from an original roster, it is the responsibility of the coach to collect players’ fees or request reimbursement. 

f. Normal team expenses paid by the Club from member fees are as follows: 

i. New Uniforms 

ii. League registration fees (Miami Valley or other league the team plays in) 

iii. Referee fees for regular league games 

iv. Field Maintenance 

v. Team equipment - i.e. corner flags, games balls, scrimmage vests, cones, goalie gear, etc. 

g. All items purchased by the Club belong to the Springfield Thunder Soccer Club 

h. The Club will pay for up to two tournament fees in addition to free entry in the Club sponsored tournament per year with a maximum of $1200. Other tournament and indoor league expenses and participation are the responsibility of each individual team. 

i. Approval for normal team purchases must be obtained from the Club Treasurer. For reimbursement, all receipts must be submitted to the Club Treasurer for payment of approved expenses. 

j. The Springfield Thunder Soccer Club and it official sponsors (if any) are the only organization allowed to represent the Club in any matter. Any promotion or advertisement for independent sponsorships is restricted from the official Club uniform. Any fund-raising efforts must be Board approved. 

8. Termination Membership may be terminated as follows: 

a. The parent or guardian of a member may terminate membership by written notification to the Club President. Possible refunds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. 

b. The Board of Directors may terminate a membership for any reason it deems in the best interests of the Club, its members or the member being terminated. 

c. Membership is on a year by year basis and conditional on a players selection to a Club team at yearly tryouts. 

d. When and where allowed by the league that the team a player is playing in, the Board of Directors may terminate a membership for any reason it deems in the best interests of the Club, its members or the member being terminated. 

e. The Springfield Thunder Soccer Club Board of Directors shall insure that all parties concerned will have a reasonable opportunity to be heard before any action is taken. All input initiating action must be in writing. The STSC Board decisions are final. 

9. Age Policy 

a. In order to best develop each player, it is the desire of the STSC to create and maintain competitive teams comprised of players of a single birth year extending August 1 through July 31. 

b. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows: 

i. If a players birth year and school year are not compatible, he/she may play with his/her school year. For example, a child born August 1982, who is in the same grade level as children born August of 1981 through July 1982, would fall into this category. Pending approval of the coaches involved, Club Trainer and the Board, a player can play up. 

ii. The goal of the club is to have single age group teams. If a coach is unable to fill his roster, the coaches affected and the Board will meet to determine optimal player 

placement based on the best interest of the players involved and the Club. Board decisions are final. 

c. Written request to the Board President is required at least 1 week prior to tryouts each year when a parent wishes a player to play for a team not in their birth year extending August 1 through July 31. 

d. Any situation other than example given must be board approved. 

10. Tryouts 

a. The STSC requires open tryouts be conducted a minimum of once a year at a time chosen by the Board that meets the requirements of league(s) Club teams are to play in. Every effort should be made to publicize tryouts, i.e., website, league bulletin boards, newspapers, flyers to schools, posters in public places, word of mouth, etc. 

b. A sufficient number of tryout sessions , to be determined by the Board, will be held to evaluate and differentiate among all players competing. 

c. The Board will organize, structure and conduct the yearly tryouts. Where possible the club will bring in independent evaluators for each age group to ensure fair evaluations. 

d. Additional tryouts may be conducted as required to fill roster vacancies, provided the team notifies the Club President in advance. When an individual team conducts a supplementary tryout the team’s head coach should enlist the help of other experienced Club coaches of older teams to insure adequate support, evaluation and differentiation. 

e. These procedures must be adhered to: 

i. Registration – each player must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Pertinent information will be obtained at this time. 

ii. Every player must attend tryouts. Absolutely no exceptions will be made to this rule without prior Board approval. 

iii. All registered participants will be notified of tryout results within ten days. 

11. Uniforms 

a. All Club teams shall wear the standard uniform as prescribed by the Club. The STSC emblem and player number are the only markings permitted on the Club jersey. The number of uniforms will be limited to properly rostered and fee paid players up to the participating league maximum. The Club will provide a goalkeepers allowance as established by the Board of Directors. New uniforms will be provided as needed at the Board’s discretion. 

b. Components and replacement of the standard uniform issued by the Club will be determined by the Board. If damaged or lost due to negligence, a replacement fee will be assessed by to the player’s family based on the age and condition of the component. 

c. On a bi-annual basis, the Board will contact vendors and receive formal bids to provide uniforms and all other Club-furnished items. Local vendors are to be utilized when possible. After review of the bids, the Board will make the selection of the vendor to supply the uniform and its components. 

d. The Club-owned equipment like corner flags and game balls shall be returned via the head coach to the Team Administrator at the end of the last season coached by that coach. If damaged or lost due to negligence, a replacement fee will be assessed to the head coach based on the age and condition of the equipment. 

12. Rules Violations If a member team conducts its activities in a manner which intentionally or unintentionally violates the 

Club By-Laws or otherwise brings undue embarrassment or discredit to the Club, it shall be incumbent upon the Board of Directors to impose any or all (but not limited to) of the following sanctions: 

a. Deny or suspend a member team’s voting rights 

b. Remove any player or coach from a Club roster as provided by the teams participating league 

c. Revoke Club membership (with forfeiture of fees) 

13. Amendments The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members at any General Membership meeting at which a quorum is present. Any proposed amendment shall be supported by at least three of the Board, submitted at least thirty days prior to a General Membership meeting, to the President. The President shall inform the General Membership of the proposal and place the amendment on the upcoming agenda. Any amendment passed at a General Membership meeting shall be effective immediately.